Unable to talk with Air India to obtain my refund
My name is Niten G. Ved, back in Jul 2019, we had purchased 2 Air Tickets on Air India to Bombay, India from Newark. Subsequently, we had to cancel one ticket due to death of a Family member in India and my wife has to leave immediately. Air India could not accommodate her need to fly immediately.
Instead they charged me 750.00 USD for cancellation fees and I paid on my Chase Mastercard. My son sent an email to Air India with all requested information so that our cancellation fees can be refunded.. As requested he had sent all documentation to Air India and we were expecting to receive a refund for the cancellation charges of 750.00 USD (including death certificates of the family member). He sent several emails asking for a status but we never received a response. We even tried calling Air India on several occasions but were unable to get thru or leave a message.
Subsequently, we disputed the charge with our credit card company, Chase Bank and were issued a credit pending the inquiry of our dispute. About 1 month ago, we were notified by Chase Bank that Air India refuses that the tickets were cancelled (even though cancellation was done and we have a proof of receiving an email from Air India confirming the same). On matter of principle, we refuse the pay the 750.00 USD but will have to cancel our credit card since Chase Bank is as crazy (or even crazier than Air India, they cannot help us since many months have passed). The only option is to cancel the card and not pay Chase Bank which I am seriously considering.
I have sent several emails to Air India and I do get a automated response that they received my email and someone will get back to me but this never happens.
I believe the DOT and Fedral Government should ban AIr India from flying to US unless they improve their "Customer Service".
I am hoping that this post can help me resolve this issue.