Old May 24, 2011, 3:43 PM
sbison sbison is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 2
Default Customer Service at American Airlines--Non existant!

9:25 flight from LAX to Dallas cancelled after boardinig plane and having attendants do cross check?? ---then after standing in line for nearly 2 hours, booked new flight for 4:50pm. Flight again cancelled but nothing posted, no announcements, and another hour plus in line to schedule a flight 24 hours later. Then went to get bag (brand new--never used "spinner" type) and a wheel was broken off. Supervisor in baggage claim area where hundreds of other passangers were looking for bags, said go to the baggage claim service line (200 plus people in line) so waited in another line for hour and a half to have customer service rep say "American assumes no liability for items protruding from baggage". Not one person throughout a 14 hour day was helpful and extra help was nowhere to be seen. 2 baggage claim reps with over 200 people in line several times throughout the day!
Old May 26, 2011, 2:20 AM
cortney cortney is offline
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were you travelling yesterday or 2 days ago? flights were cancelled and delayed out of dfw for weather. they had severe storms with hail. AA just cancelled a few flights to check the planes for hail damage. cross checks are when the flight attendants arm/disarm their doors and check to make sure they are so that no slides are blown...ALL airlines do this and only takes a few seconds. i never stand in line to talk to somebody, call them or check online...much quicker
Old May 26, 2011, 2:30 AM
sbison sbison is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 2

my comment about the cross check was not that I didn't know what it was--rather, that AA didn't have some clue that flights were going to be affected. Why bother boarding in first place? I am here at the conference in Dallas and I can't tell you the number of people who are complaining about air travel over the last couple of days. We all (I think) get that weather can create havoc--but what is the response plan? where is the emphasis on customer service, even in crisis mode? just not there as far as I could see with American. Not enough help, not enough answers, and no empathy.

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