Old Dec 24, 2006, 10:37 PM
AirlineComplaints.org AirlineComplaints.org is offline
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Default Writing a Letter of Complaint to American Airlines

AA Customer Service Plan

Address your letter to:

American Airlines Customer Relations
4000 E. Sky Harbor Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85034

Telephone number: (800) 433-1790

Fax number: (817) 963-7882

You can also e-mail AA via this link: http://www.aa.com/contactAA/viewEmai...tomerRelations
Old Jan 16, 2016, 12:41 PM
Doris Jennes Doris Jennes is offline
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Default Customer Relations

I, and as I have learned, hundreds of other, have contacted American Airlines over and over. I am in procession of multiple canned replies indicating they are sorry, understand how I feel, are doing their best to address my issues and will get back to me soon. They never do. They limit the characters available when filing a complaint, they prevent you from speaking with anyone from Customer Relations and they never get back to you. My complaint should have been a simple one but their response was poor. Individuals filing complaints are human beings, not things at the other end of a computer that can be ignored.
Old Feb 19, 2016, 2:02 AM
rosie rosie is offline
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Default Good luck with that!

AA has gone down hill so bad. As a platinum member I am closing my AA credit card and will never fly with them again after I give my miles away. I am so disgusted with them and even after complaining they did the same to me as everyone else thank me for the "input" to help make them better, they do not take responsibility for their employee actions who do not care about passengers or their job anymore. How do I know? Because I was told my 3 different employees on three flights this month during discussions.
Old May 10, 2016, 8:57 PM
SKent SKent is offline
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Angry Waste of breath complaining to AA

A string of emails back & forth to Customer Complaints yielded nothing but platitudes and ignored all questions that required any degree of commitment by AA.

Having been bumped from one flight to another this February at LAX, losing my additional-cost upgrade seat in first because the replacement equipment didn't have enough first seats, I was given a AA $300 paper voucher. Using an AA voucher is nigh impossible and my request for a refund was declined and was referred to their boiler plate fine print T&C's.

AA's web site and mobile APP are as bad as the rest of the airline's performance. Practically impossible to use and does not allow you to use 'paper vouchers' for credit.

My son also flies AA because he has little choice. He has 84 upgrades from AA and has NEVER been able to use one because there's always a reason why it can't be. He has one horror story after another to tell about flying with AA. My fellow passenger on the flight out of LAX had the same experience. He has 56 upgrades.

My wife also reluctantly flies AA. Today the equipment was unserviceable and she was eventually boarded a flight leaving SEA for PNS six hours later. She will have been traveling 21 hours before she arrives at PNS. This after she had booked and paid for her flight well in advance only for AA to change all her flights on her without consultation or notice. She then had to spend at least 2 hours on the phone with an agent to change flights again that worked with her schedule. And after all this AA can't get the flight off the ground this morning at SeaTac. All the upgrades she paid for have been for nought because she's now sat in a middle seat between two very large people.

AA is a disaster. They are going so rapidly downhill that I will do everything I can in future to take almost any other airline than fly with AA. I know that's impossible because of the near-monopoly situation developing in the industry.

Congress needs to act now, and act forcefully against underperforming airline companies. Airlines should be held accountable to a standard and if they can't meet that standard they should be penalized severely. Either that or open up the gates to low cost carriers that have to compete in order to win their customer's business. AA should go the way of Eastern, Western, PanAm and all the other companies that forgot what service really means.
Old May 16, 2016, 11:40 PM
Sherrie Sherrie is offline
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Default More AA delays

This afternoon's AA 4-hour delay from La Guardia left my son stranded in New York and spending the night at an airport because he can't afford a hotel. He'll also miss a day's work tomorrow. Delays due to weather at LGA averaged 90 min. No explanation of why AA's delay was 4 hours. They offer passengers no help, no food, no accommodations, no transportation to the other airport from which they're rescheduled.

In addition to adding my voice here, I'm complaining to American (and expect the uncaring formula reply that everyone receives) and the U.S. Dept of Transportation which is the FAA site. The only way there will be any action, however glacial, is if we all post our complaints to the FAA. At least they track the numbers. Sorry, I'm not allowed to post the link to transportation dot gov because this is my first post here.

My family has learned its lesson. No more American Airlines for us. I wish I had known of this site before my son booked his flight. Thanks, everybody.
Old Jun 28, 2016, 4:50 PM
davidbogolub davidbogolub is offline
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Default Who Are You Kidding, AAL?

"Write us a letter...", yeah, right.
I will not bother to recount any details about the number of cancellation and delays, including on international flights causing truly serious problems for me and for my overseas colleagues, or details about the endless stream of contemptuous shameless lies and misinformation pandered by your employees, or the mind-numbing deterioration in customer relations that characterize the "New American" especially since January.
I will confine myself to this latest bit of fiction. Back in Jan/Feb/March while I still sadly labored under the delusion that AAL still had some regard for its loyal top tier customers I wrote several EXPRESS MAIL and Certified, return receipt letters to multiple officials personally at AAL at their Amon Carter Drive offices in Dallas.
I did not receive the courtesy of even a single reply, this in despite of having enclosed addressed and postage pre-paid US Priority Mail envelopes!!
AAL could not send a signal less ambiguous. They have NO concern for customer relations. The casual, once-or-twice-yearly flyer does not write letters and pays the same for a ticket--a butt-in-a-seat is a butt-in-a-seat--no matter to the bottom line after all. So...AAL just no longer gives a hoot about customer service, and their single minded concern about "buts" is appropriate, no ifs, ands or (my) butt (in a seat). Any thoughts out there flyers?
Old Jul 14, 2016, 3:41 PM
davidbogolub davidbogolub is offline
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Default Writing a letter to american airlines

To the Airlinecomplaints.org team--
The telephone number that you post for AAL customer relations/complaints is actually the number for the group sales desk. AAl DOES NOT have a telephone number for customer complaints--no doubt for good reason as it would be burned to a cinder. I have had this information confirmed by one of the few AAL employees still willing to give a straight answer to a top-tier customer. There is NO WAY any longer to speak to a live person about a complaint at AAL. Even the executive platinum desk will perhaps listen with crocodile tears (but usually not) but they are not empowered, or indeed expected, to take any action or to make any follow up enquiry or reply whatsoever.
Old Nov 12, 2017, 4:04 AM
Badexperience Badexperience is offline
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Default trip to Hawaii

My name is Joanne Swain. As a new retiree I frequently fly with different airlines. I purchased a round trip ticket to visit my son in Maui, Hawaii. Although you stated you would like to make every flight a positive experience for your passengers, I did not have a positive experience. Going to Maui from LAX, two flights were taken the (first one was not an issue). The first flight was okay. However, the second flight 205 going from LAX to Hawaii which was scheduled for 4 hr and 18 min had no entertainment . There was no TV to watch any movies or an app to log on for WiFi or watch on a mounted TV. This was confusing given I watched Wonder Woman on my first flight going to LAX and coming back home. This was confusing also it made my 4 hr flight very uncomfortable. I have never experienced this issue with other airlines before. In addition , I purchased a round trip ticket in advance with no assigned sitting until I arrived at the new gate in LAX, I asked at that time if I could get an aisle sit because I have to use the bathroom quite often and didn't want to disturb the other passengers, the agent said I had to wait, however, I noticed that seats was now occupied by standbys and some of them received aisle seats and I witness that there were other aisle seats available on the plane after the flight attendant start counting all available seats left, I asked again and was told to wait. They gave me a middle seat which both gentlemen had their carry on bags on the floor due to lack of space overhead and this was very uncomfortable for me having to sit between them both. Nobody said anything, which added to the lack of comfort for my flight. I received no beverages on the plane until I asked and she gave me a half cup full, and I was not informed I had to purchase food on the plane since I was given food on the first flight. This flight was overbooked to the point that they had to ask a passenger to volunteer and leave to accommodate a family of six.

I would like to know if there is a consistent policy on entertainment and will I have to purchase entertainment in the future just to not sit in silence on the air craft or food to eat. If so I would have to take my business elsewhere as I felt I was disrespected on this flight from LAX to Hawaii. I was told that your airlines take your passengers needs and comfort into consideration at all times. This did not happen on that flight. I considered my first flight with American Airlines a bad experience. I plan on continuing to travel to different countries and would not like to have this first bad experience to happen again and hope to travel with American Airlines maybe again?

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