Old Feb 22, 2011, 2:58 PM
gorgeouslady gorgeouslady is offline
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Thumbs down Lost and Delayed Baggage with AA

Travelled from St. Croix to a final destination of Cincinnati, OH on 2/21/11. Went from St. Croix, to San Juan, Puerto Rico, then to JFK, then Cincinnati. Our flight arrived 30 minutes late at JFK, causing us to arrive just in time to board the plane to Cincinnati. The late flight also prevented the idiots at JFK from getting our luggage onto the plane. We then arrive in Cincinnati and wait an hour before we are told that our baggage was left in New York. I was disappointed overall with the service, speed, and dependability of AA. I will be flying with Delta my next trip. I must say, however, that the baggage fees I had to pay (outrageous, by the way) will not cover the cost of delivering my baggage to my house once it arrives in CVG. Take that, AA. By the way, quite a few other fellow travelers from our flight also did not receive their luggage.
Old Feb 22, 2011, 8:23 PM
jimworcs jimworcs is offline
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Good luck with Delta. That is frying pan into the fire. I would trust AA before I ever trusted Delta.
Old Feb 23, 2011, 12:49 AM
missylynn missylynn is offline
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That's YOUR opinion jimworcs.
Old Feb 23, 2011, 3:03 AM
jimworcs jimworcs is offline
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That is MY OPINION MissyLynn... This is how this website works. People give their opinion. If you want me to give someone else's opinion let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Old Mar 24, 2011, 6:16 PM
taryn taryn is offline
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Default 3 months later and this is the response to my lost valuable bag!

I am a South African who flew via AA from Austin to New York on the 15 Dec 2010. I was convinced to check in my extra bag as i was not alllowed more than the backpack on my back as the flight was full. I paid $120 to check in two bags, one of which contained valuable items which ordinarily would have come on board with me-camera, jewellery, gifts for my family etc. AA failed to tag the valuable smaller bag and instead tagged my other bag twice. I arrived in NYC sans camera, jewellery or gifts and I spent the first two days in NYC replacing things I already had in my bag. After numerous calls during my time in the States fighting for my luggage with AA one such call where after I asked to speak to a supervisor the gentleman in question put the phone down on me...I returned to South Africa empty handed and exasperated. Since then my travel agent has been fighting the cause on my behalf with a South African representative. I have had no direct correspondence from AA until today and this is the note i got...

March 24, 2011
Dear Ms. X:
Thank you for contacting American Airlines Customer Relations.
Your delayed baggage file indicates that it was closed on March 14, 2011 and that a settlement check was posted to your home address from our headquarters in Dallas/Fort Worth. You should be receiving this shortly.
Ms. X, we appreciate your continued patience and understanding in this regard. Despite what happened on this occasion, we hope you will continue to select American Airlines for your travel needs. We will work hard to ensure that you receive the service you expect and deserve. (own words: excuse me but what service have i received???)

Kevin Smithwick
Customer Relations
American Airlines

This is the same Kevin I have noted in other peoples posts...

So why am I upset?

I live in South Africa- we cannot cash checks in American dollars into our South African bank accounts!!! I already called and queried this with AA and they told me of course they did this all the time they knew how to recompensate foreigners!!!(by the way this is the same guy who put the phone down on me!)

There is no mention of how much I am being compensated for? My claim was pretty steep considering all my valuable possessions were in the bag!

It has been 3 months and this is the first correspondence with no number in the email which to follow up on any of the details as to how exactly I am going to use a check in a foreign currency in my country?

There is also no mention of the complete incompetence on the part of AA in tagging a bag twice- I still have both luggage tags as proof!
American Airlines are the worst airline I have ever flown on, they are completely incompetent and I will never use them again.

Next time you choose to fly with them-watch your bags and if you have the misfortune of them losing the bag-don't expect to get anything back without a long fight and if after 3 months of complaining you get a completly useless check worth less than the paper it is printed on, don't say I didn't warn you!

Old Jun 23, 2011, 5:25 AM
janjozeff janjozeff is offline
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I am very sad for you that you have lost your baggage with AA and you have also wait for flight. I will suggest you that you have to made a complaint against it.
Old Jun 24, 2011, 1:12 PM
drpacs2000 drpacs2000 is offline
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Default Lost Wedding Bagis

This why I will never consider flying AA airlines again. Went to a destination wedding in Curacao. American canceled the 1 pm second leg flight both there and back secondary to "mechanical problems" ie not a full flight. I waited in Miami on a layover with a three year old for 5 and 8 hours respectively. When arriving in Curacao they lost one bag. Unfortunately it had the dress and suit for the mother and father of the groom. The wedding pictures were suboptimal. No apologies from AA. The customer service rep made it seem like it was our fault. Well, I guess it was, our fault for flying American Airlines.

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