Old May 1, 2011, 10:50 PM
unhappyflyer unhappyflyer is offline
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Angry Airport security not to be trusted

This is to warn you that not all Airport security personnel can be trusted. I am a Asian American female 42 years of age. April of 2011 I was going to Sacramento from Seattle Airport. While going through security checkpoint prior to boarding plane, I was told they wanted to put me in the body scanner, which I refused. I was told the other other option was a pat-down which I agreed to.

The pat-down took place right there in the boarding area by a female security agent. during the pat-down, another agent took my purse and walked away with it. He was out of my site for about 1 min, at which time he returned with my purse and gave it back. All went normal and I boarded the plane. On the plane, upon looking in my purse, I had $15.00 missing. I know for a fact where the money was in my purse because I made a purchase prior to boarding, and the change was $15.00 and 23 cents. The cash was taken by the security agent who searched my purse. I lodged a complaint when I reached my destination and was given a form to fill out.

Its one thing to be stealing, but we are supposed to trust Airport security people with our lives. If they spend more time working on stealing from passengers than doing there job, who knows who or what might get passed them.

so remember, when going through airport security, watch your personal items.

-Unhappy Flyer
Old May 6, 2011, 3:32 AM
Jetliner Jetliner is offline
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This needs to be a heads up to everyone. When you are being checked at security, they are supposed to have you stand so that you can watch your items at all times. Instead of having you turn around during the check, they are supposed to walk around you. If someone walked off with your purse, that's the time to ask them where they are going.

And it's not that the TSA hires thieves, but just like any organization, there are going to be bad apples get through. Generally thefts at the airport (stealing form bags or a case like this) is a crime of opportunity. They don't go get a job at the airport with the intent to be a thief. They get there and find some opportunity to do so.

In the mean time you need to call the TSA and report this at 866-289-9673. They can go back and review the tapes and can see him walk off with your purse. Even if they have no proof that he actually took anything, he is still in violation of procedure.
Old May 6, 2011, 3:46 PM
Gromit801 Gromit801 is offline
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Maybe there needs to be a TSA complaint forum on here. Certainly AA had nothing to do with it.
Old May 6, 2011, 7:04 PM
jimworcs jimworcs is offline
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Talking of AA having nothing to do with it..., I am a 52 British Caucasian Male trying to figure out why we needed to know she was a 42 year old Asian American female.

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