I booked a holiday to New York for this coming august with british airways last november, one of the people due to come on the holiday told us in february that she would no longer be able to come, so we found someone to replace her and called BA to make the change, now the hotel we are staying at is the hilton and our booking states the 'room' is non-changable and non-refundable.
After going back and forth with BA and being told a name change may not be possible I called the hilton directly and was told that as long as the Lead passenger (me) didn't change then there would be no problem. So i called Ba back and explained this and low and behold they could make the name change! So after paying £100 to amend the name on the flight and £25 to amend the name on the hotel booking we were all set. Now 3 days ago the new person on the booking lovingly decided to tell us she too couldn't come on the holiday as she couldn't afford it!!! So over the past 3 days we have been searching for someone to take her place. I was told by BA 2 days ago that we could cancel her off the booking but would still have to pay for her share of the hotel, so we decided to find someone to take her place instead. We found someone and an hour ago I called BA to make the name change armed with the £125 amendment fee... and guess what!? BA are saying that because of the hotel being non changeable/non refundable we can't do it!!! I explained that we have already made a name change on the hotel and after looking into it further the robot on the phone tells me that the hilton haven't actually amended the booking!!! So I called The Hilton myself and explained the situation and gave them my booking reference only to be told by them that they actually don't have the other 3 passenger names, the only name they have and NEED is the lead passenger!!! So WHY am I being charged £25 to change the name on the hotel booking when the hotel only require the lead name! And why am I being told that they can't make the name change when they already have made a change and they quite clearly can!!!??? Can anyone shed any light on this? Im at my witts end!