Old Oct 28, 2009, 2:15 AM
joy105 joy105 is offline
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Default So called Saver Award cost $240

Ever since Alaska Airlines wanted Delta Airlines to buy them out, the award program and fees have gone to the dogs (same as Delta's who I never cared for). I just got back from a trip to Utah, where I did a partner award travel with Delta through Alaska Airlines.
Booking fee (I couldn't get seats online at alaskaair.com - even though seats were available, just not online) so I had to phone: $15.
Partner booking fee for Delta $25.
Baggage to SLC (2 bags) $40.
Return travel ticketing fee (no computer available to me, couldn't check in online) plus 2 bags fee on Delta, total $60.
I had to re-book my return flight fee (you have to book a round trip with partner travel) $100.
Total: $240.
If Alaska Airlines wants to follow Delta, then they need more flights, more seats, and more awards available. Getting "saver" seats on Delta is pretty easy, but not so on Alaska Airlines.
Would I like the fees built in to the fare? YES.
Would I switch to Southwest Airlines if they came to Alaska? YES YES YES!
Two years ago I would have told you I love Alaska Airlines. Now the opposite is true. They stink.
Old Oct 28, 2009, 3:40 PM
Gromit801 Gromit801 is offline
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Where in the world did you ever get the idea Alaska Air wants anyone (much less Delta) to buy them out? Financially, they're about the healthiest airline flying in the US. If anything, there's plenty of rumors about Alaska buying out other airlines.

Since Alaska doesn't fly to SLC, and it's a Delta hub, it's an understandable arrangement. A lot of those fees are required by Delta. Alaska has opened up some new routes this year. One of the reasons they are doing better than others financially, is that they are very cautious about the number of flights they have out of any given airport. It makes no sense to have extra flights, if they're only half full.

I'm curious. First you say the seats weren't available online, then you say you didn't have a computer available to you. Then it seems like you had to change your return flight and you didn't like being charged a change fee? None of this is adding up from what you are sharing here.

I do wonder, what you will be saying about SWA when they begin charging for the 1st or 2nd piece of luggage, or other fees. Believe me they will.
Old Oct 28, 2009, 4:56 PM
joy105 joy105 is offline
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Default No computer for the return flight

Ok, you must work for the airline, so I'll try to explain at your level.
#1 - I tried to book online, but the partner award would not work from FAI to SLC so I had to call (thus the $15 fee). This was from my home before I left.
#2 - Because of circumstances beyond my control I missed my flight, and after much trouble and two rude Partner CSA's, was able to rebook my flight. The only flight I could get took me on Skywest from SLC to Lewiston, Idaho then on Horizon from Lewiston to SEA, and of course a nice fat $100 change fee for this wonderful routing.
#3 - When I needed to check in for my return flight I was not at home and did not have access to a computer to check in, thus the extra fee at the airport. Get it?
#4 - Ok, it was rumored in our local paper that Delta and Alaska may merge, but it never happened. Around the same time Alaska started mimicking Deltas fees. And no wonder Alaska Airlines is so healthy with all these fees.
#5 - Southwest offers 2 free bags and 100% refund on tickets with no change fees. What's not to love about an airline like that? This ski season they will rule with the no fee for 2 bag rule.
#6 - Not only were the flights not half full, there were no open seats on the Alaska flights, so why can I get a seat on partner Delta and not Alaska? Must be because they release more seats for their frequent fliers than Alaska does.
#7 - If you think I'm the only Alaskan fed up with Alaska Airlines, think again.
Old Oct 28, 2009, 8:23 PM
PHXFlyer PHXFlyer is offline
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Originally Posted by joy105 View Post
Ok, you must work for the airline, so I'll try to explain at your level.
#1 - I tried to book online, but the partner award would not work from FAI to SLC so I had to call (thus the $15 fee). This was from my home before I left.
Odd. I have Alaska Airlines miles (lots, actually) and I just went on the website and succesfully booked a partner award from FAI-SLC (Via ANC and PDX) on Alaska and Delta. Cost: 25,000 miles, $10 in segment taxes and the $25 partner award fee. I was even able to choose seats on the Delta flights! You say it "would not work from FAI to SLC" but I have just proven you wrong. The $15 telephone booking fee was completely justified.

Originally Posted by joy105 View Post
#2 - Because of circumstances beyond my control I missed my flight, and after much trouble and two rude Partner CSA's, was able to rebook my flight. The only flight I could get took me on Skywest from SLC to Lewiston, Idaho then on Horizon from Lewiston to SEA, and of course a nice fat $100 change fee for this wonderful routing.
Lucky for you it wasn't booked on Delta or it would have cost you $150. Some airlines like United and US Airways don't even allow changes to award tickets once you've begun travel so in that case you would have been stuck buying an expensive one-way ticket home! I'd be counting my blessings that I was even able to change the ticket and for a mere $100 bucks at that!

Originally Posted by joy105 View Post
#3 - When I needed to check in for my return flight I was not at home and did not have access to a computer to check in, thus the extra fee at the airport. Get it?
actually, this part I don't get. Neither Delta or Alaska charge you for simply checking in. What exactly were you charged for and how much? This part of your story makes no sense whatsoever.

Originally Posted by joy105 View Post
#4 - Ok, it was rumored in our local paper that Delta and Alaska may merge, but it never happened. Around the same time Alaska started mimicking Deltas fees. And no wonder Alaska Airlines is so healthy with all these fees.
Rumors about Alaska merging/taking over/being taken over by another airline have been going around for years. At one point Alaska was supposedly going to buy America West. Another rumor had Continental buying Alaska. Of course none of them turned out to be true.As for the fees Alaska was the last to implement a fee for the first checked bag. Fees to book awards on partner airlines have been pretty standard in the industry for several years now. In case you didn't know when you use miles for an award on a partner the airline actually pays the partner for your seats. (Of course it's a pre-negotiated rate which we'll never know) There is a real cost associated with accounting, payment processing, etc.

Originally Posted by joy105 View Post
#5 - Southwest offers 2 free bags and 100% refund on tickets with no change fees. What's not to love about an airline like that? This ski season they will rule with the no fee for 2 bag rule.
I'm sorry but your statement about the 100% refund on Southwest tickets is completely wrong. They do sell refundable tickets (they call them Anytime fares) but the majority of tickets on Southwest are non-refundable. You can, as with other airlines, apply non-refundable funds towards another ticket and Southwest currently does not charge a fee to do this. As far as bag fees Southwest's CEO said thre wouldn't be a fee for a first or second checked bag through 2010. What they didn't say and what many didn't notice is while they were touting the "no checked bag fees" as a marketing ploy after the legacies and others were charging for bags Southwest quietly raised fares in most markets by $10 to $25 dollars. So in reality people were paying for that bag anyway in the price of the ticket!

Originally Posted by joy105 View Post
#6 - Not only were the flights not half full, there were no open seats on the Alaska flights, so why can I get a seat on partner Delta and not Alaska? Must be because they release more seats for their frequent fliers than Alaska does.
Delta just has more seats period. And Alaska doesn't fly to SLC anyway. I'mnot sure what your point is.

Originally Posted by joy105 View Post
#7 - If you think I'm the only Alaskan fed up with Alaska Airlines, think again.
Ok. Just how many of you are there? Is there a club?
Old Oct 28, 2009, 7:48 PM
Gromit801 Gromit801 is offline
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No, I don't work for, or have any connection to an airline besides flying a lot.

#1. Unfortunate

#2. You say missing you flight was not your fault (and won't say why). It's also NOT the airline's fault. The responsibility for making your flight rests with you.

#3. Also, you responsibility and your fault.

#4. Nothing you claim there is based on fact. All airlines charge fees for one thing or another. Alaska Air is healthy because they haven't over-extended themselves like other "in trouble" airlines have.

#5. SWA never used to charge for any bags. Now they charge for the 3rd. They also charge more for pets than most airlines. These two changes came about this year when their fuel hedge ran out. The pattern will continue, and after awhile, SWA will be charging fees for other things as well.

#6. And you know how full a flight was based on what? Were you looking at a combi-flight that Alaska runs throughout the state of Alaska? Half passengers half cargo.

#7. And for every Alaskan who is fed up with alaska Airlines, I can give you a thousand more fed up with SWA.

Hope I dumbed that down enough for you.

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