Egyptair: they don't care!
London - Cairo - Bangkok.
I travelled with Egyptair at Christmas from London to Bangkok via Cairo.
When I arrived in Bangkok I waited with all the other passengers for my luggage to appear - gradually the crowd thinned out and the bags were all collected. It appeared that my luggage had not made it. I tried to find a member of Egyptair ground staff to report my missing bag to, an impossible task it seemed and especially annoying as I was becoming increasingly late for a connecting flight.
Then I noticed on the floor, an unidentifiable package wrapped up in green plastic - on closer inspection it turned out to be my bag - badly damaged, handle ripped off and covered in mud. Aggrieved that no member of staff had pointed out my bag or apologised (or even made themselves visible!!) but relived that i would not miss my connecting flight i continued on my way.
Upon my return to the UK I contacted egyptair immediately as per their T&C to make a complaint. They tried to give me the brush off stating that i should have filled out a form at the airport in Bangkok - easier said that done when all the Egyptair staff are hiding. Refusing to be dissuaded by their apparent lack of customer service i was passed from person to person speaking to Egyptair staff in London, Cairo and Bangkok by telephone and email for two months eventually i received a phone call from someone in the London office offering to replace my luggage - hooray! but a month later still nothing so i contacted Egyptair again and they told me that i needed to send them my original air ticket and my boarding pass from the flight 3 months ago!! or they wouldn't do anything - how ridiculous is that!!?
Egyptair customer service is appalling, their staff don't appear to talk to each other every time the buck is passed its back to square one having to explain the whole situation again.
If only they would take responsibility for their error this whole situation could have been avoided. If a member of ground staff had been on hand when it happened with an apology and a claim form i would be a happy customer not a bloody annoyed one - however they don't seem to care!
Keep your head down and the customer will go away appears to be company policy.
My advice... avoid Egyptair at all costs. or keep everything you own with you.