Old Nov 26, 2010, 5:40 PM
lifenbloom lifenbloom is offline
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Angry Money means more than people

Had two deaths in the family one week apart. In between was a thanksgiving trip. During the trip the second death occured. Through emotional distress, mistake was made in booking a pm flight when needing an am flight so funeral of second death could be attended. So what, I was informed I agreed to the terms of the tickets I purchased. So, we wait around the airport until 9:30 (thought it was an am flight when booked) or come back for original flight tomorrow. Either way, Alaska now has two tickets they will be able to resell. So much for being treated with compassion for loosing not just one family member but two. Money is more important than caring for customers well being (4 tickets purchased now turns into 6 for the airlines). I would bet there are several people that would make the same mistake in booking an evening flight when needing a morning flight when in grieving.
I plan on sending a written complaint to the address provided for Alaska Airlines as well (with a copy to the BBB). So disappointed!!!
Old Nov 28, 2010, 5:07 PM
HoustonFlyer HoustonFlyer is offline
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You are wasting time to complain when you were the one who made the mistake. Your grieving is not an excuse. The airline can't disrupt its plans for your mistake to give you a free ticket for a flight that you did not book
Old Nov 28, 2010, 6:49 PM
mars6423 mars6423 is offline
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i am sorry about the deaths in your family, tough tough time

and it is totally understandable to make a mistake like that in those circumstances and the airline should understand this and work with you not against

the airline should see if there are any empty seats on the early flight and if this is possible then they should have let you use those seats

sometimes people and companies just do not see emotions and dont care about things like this

While i doubt anything will come of this, i wish airlines would be able to see that everything doesnt have to be about $ and that in some situations there are more important reasons and that they need to help you out with these situations
Old Nov 28, 2010, 8:34 PM
Gromit801 Gromit801 is offline
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My condolences to you over your losses.

Being the holiday season, there was probably no seats available to switch you to your desired flight. I do hope you get some compensation from this. There is a couple of questions I have though. Did you book this through Alaska, or a third party like Orbitz or Travelocity? It might make a difference. What airport did this happen at?

Contact Alaska's customer care, and explain everything if you booked through Alaska.
Old Dec 1, 2010, 8:56 AM
jimworcs jimworcs is offline
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Alaska are not usually too bad, customer service wise. I think if you send a letter, explaining the circumstances and enclosing copies of the tickets and death certificates, you may be able to get a credit.

Your initial letter should not be too critical. They will always initially apply the rules.. the test will be if they show some compassion when you provide evidence of the true circumstances.

Houstonflyer... the Thanksgiving spirit didn't last very long.. such compassion!!
Old Dec 1, 2010, 11:53 AM
HoustonFlyer HoustonFlyer is offline
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I didn't know you guys in England knew about Thanksgiving! This OP is demanding and threatening to copy the BBB as if he is entitled as of right for the airline to compensate him for his mistake. This is not how one asks for compassion.
Old Dec 1, 2010, 3:31 PM
jimworcs jimworcs is offline
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The Pilgrims were English!! lol

I agree that asking for compassion requires some tact, but really, lost all sense of decency. There are times when corporations should show a little leeway and this is one of them...

PS.. I hope you are phxflyer, if you are, welcome back, if you are not welcome to the board, even if we do disagree
Old Jan 27, 2012, 4:59 AM
playmaker playmaker is offline
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If you think people can just stop everything for everyone emergency think again? Its hard to please everyone! Sorry it didn't work out this time.

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