Old Jul 19, 2009, 6:47 AM
shaijupf shaijupf is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Default Air India Express - the worst

it is horrible frustrating experience I had each time I travel by this craft.

yesterday my brother had to wait for 8 hours in the airport for getting into it.

flight delay like this is most often and the authorised officials play bad tricks with the poor passengers

no good services, no idea when the flight will come etc.....

Old Jul 19, 2009, 7:36 AM
PHXFlyer PHXFlyer is offline
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OK, what is SO DIFFICULT about posting these complaints to the APPROPRIATE FORUM! Damn do you not realize that Air India and Continental have NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with each other? If you're going to take the time to post a complaint then take the time to post it to the CORRECT FORUM! Of course the fatc that I reported it will result in NO ACTION by the MODS. They ignore EVERYTHING I report.

Last edited by PHXFlyer; Jul 19, 2009 at 7:38 AM.
Old Jul 19, 2009, 4:32 PM
AADFW AADFW is offline
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Talking Some help for PHX

Originally Posted by PHXFlyer View Post
OK, what is SO DIFFICULT about posting these complaints to the APPROPRIATE FORUM! Damn do you not realize that Air India and Continental have NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with each other? If you're going to take the time to post a complaint then take the time to post it to the CORRECT FORUM! Of course the fatc that I reported it will result in NO ACTION by the MODS. They ignore EVERYTHING I report.
PHX, put the gun down. Nobody wants to hurt you. It is quite clear that in your fragile emotional state all this posting has you stressed, depressed, and mad - and you just don't know what to do. Poor guy. You're crying out for help and that's just what we are here for.

Here's how to cope with those strong emotions and calm yourself down:

1.) Get off the computer and take a nice, long walk. You can still mutter random incoherencies to yourself. Nobody's going to judge you.

2.) Take the medication that’s been prescribed by your team of psychiatrists. It’s the only way all those little voices are going away.

3.) Talk to a friend. Only real people and in person PHX. Imaginary friends, former airline employees, and your internet buddies don’t count.

4.) Lay off the mushrooms. You know they’re only making your delusions worse.

5.) Picture yourself in a happy place. It’s clear you love the crappy service dished up by U.S. airlines, so perhaps for you that place is the center seat way in the back of a badly delayed, fully loaded DC-9. Ah… feel better already don’t you?

I hope these suggestions are helpful. And remember, one day at a time PHX!
Old Jul 19, 2009, 6:44 PM
Butch Cassidy Slept Here Butch Cassidy Slept Here is offline
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Default AADFW: Who's side are you on??

Are you on the side of passenger rights; that is to say: Full disclosure on the part of the airline prior to boarding and no suspension of Constitutional rights at 35,000 feet--to name two things?

Then, knock-off those kind of attacks. As I've mentioned in previous posts: Questioning someone's mental stability/health is a strategy the airline supporters on this board, and elsewhere, use.

On the other hand, if you're, really, an airline shill, and you're out to discredit supporters of passenger rights, then, I guess, your behavior makes sense.
[B][I][COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial Narrow]We HATE to fly--and it shows![/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=navy][FONT=Arial Narrow][/FONT][/COLOR][/I][/B]
Old Jul 19, 2009, 6:52 PM
AADFW AADFW is offline
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Default Aw, come on!

Butch, get a better sense of humor. The post by PHX was over the top. Nobody should be that upset about something so laughably trivial, and I was simply making light of that. Given all the abuse that PHX has unloaded on OPs in the past, I think a little good-natured nudging is fully in order. Besides, I really do think I offered him some sound advice, don’t you?
Old Jul 19, 2009, 8:30 PM
justme justme is offline
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AADFW I'm with you... Butch, lighten up, it was a joke and it was funny. Anyone with even a shred of common sense and humor in them could recognize that. I bet even PHX is laughing as he reads it!
I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run, he's fuzzy, get out of here.
- Mitch Hedberg
Old Jul 21, 2009, 9:14 AM
PHXFlyer PHXFlyer is offline
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I reported the incorrect post and it was moved. Thank you. Mods.

As for everything else...no comment.
Old Nov 9, 2012, 10:37 PM
Suhel Alum Suhel Alum is offline
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Angry The Very Worst and Bad service from Indian Express Airways

Every one I like to inform every one and also like to raise a complain all the passenger who travel By AIR INDIA EXPRESS, I had a bad experience when I was traveling From Mangalore to Doha With My wife and my child, the staff are so rude and lot of harassments from staff till the security in the Mangalore Air Port, trying to open all the baggage’s creating problems to the passengers unnecessarily without any strong reasons, its has been noticed that the new ways to make money is that for access baggage weight where they have Set the electronic weigh machine is to 5kgs More then the normal, usually we weigh our baggage’s from our manual weigh machine, which may have some error, considering this and taking this point in mind we reduce our things much more then the luggage allowance to avoid the charge of access luggage, but still every one find the weight more then what they expect, so the Air Port make a good profit of this charging Rs. 475/- per kg, and next thing is that after boarding the flight they don’t provide any kind of food or a glass water for hours after the take up where we find and face tuff time due to the flight is at 7Am and we had to report to the Airport at 5Am without having a proper breakfast, mean while I would like to tell you that I had booked my flight at 8 Am and at last movement I was lucky enough to know that have called me and informed me the flight time has changed to7 Am or else it would be another problem that i may miss the flight, later one board the seats of the flight is such a bad condition that we cannot even lean back,, traveling for hours its normal that passengers may need some entertainment for getting bored, but in this flight they take another advantage of the passenger to make money that is the drop down the TV screen with a movie which is of their own choice and each TV provided for 2 passengers where it cant even watched properly with fading effect on it, and try to sell the headphones to hear the Audio of the movie, and this headphones are waste after they use in in the aircraft because its not useful for any audio equipment, later on the food supplied is not even worth for animals to eat, such kind of food are supplied for passengers, were I noticed everything is returned back to dustbin when gathering back, After that comes liquors for selling like whisky wine bear etc to make again some bossiness in the board ,The Airlines are taking advantage as there are no other international flights from Mangalore where the passengers are helpless and forced to take a direct flight from Mangalore. This flights does not have any accurate timings and can change their timings at anytime, more over flights also can cancel any movement and even refund not available so we can take any other flight to avoid delay even though the fault and delay is from their side. earlier I have noticed there were 2 flights in a week and now its 1 flight for a week witch is not reliable, the timings are very early morning which is makes in convince to all passengers who are traveling, The Air India Express is not bothered of giving a good service but trying to make Money and take advantage of the passengers who are helpless, and they say the flights are going in loss may be this is th reason they try to recover their loss in this kind of business, even though they don’t have any feelings of Air crash took place recently, and passengers traveling in this are flying with risk, comparing to this I really appreciate Emirates Airlines which I use to fly from Bangalore to Doha, Via Dubai, but I do enjoy the good service , I had 8Kgs of access baggage were I was not charged any this extra for this due to the kindness of the airlines, the baggage allowance was 30Kg and the Hand bag allowance was 7kgs ,and the cabin crew I found were polite too, the food was excellent , and they had provide a free TV to each seat in front of the passengers with a control box hanging were we can select movie ,songs and games to kind along with a free head phones, there was also a night lamp where we can use it for our convenience, tea coffee are provide to everyone on request any time when they needed it, they also provide toys ,color pencil blankets to kids and children with some special gifts which makes children happy to enjoy the journey, it was said Emirates Airline gets Award every year for the best service and performance, but just I had taken a chance in the Indian Express that to avoid traveling to Bangalore to take this fight, that was a mistake I had made and faced this problem, or else traveling to Bangalore is not so tuff as there are more then 400 luxury super delux AC buss Pvt and Govt, every day too and fro, where we don’t even find tired after a sleep in the sleeper coach and next morning reaching to Bangalore, Airport busses are available from the buss stop which makes passengers convenient, and the New Bangalore International Airport is excellent comparing to Mangalore Airport, so I request and cooperate all who have gone thorough this problems and also join hands to teach them a lesson, that the Airlines are for the service of People and its not that the People are here to give them business and take advantages of them, And stop to put an end to this Monkey Business.

PNB:- Pleas add coments if any of you have gone with any kind of problems by this Airlines
Thank You

Originally Posted by shaijupf View Post
it is horrible frustrating experience I had each time I travel by this craft.

yesterday my brother had to wait for 8 hours in the airport for getting into it.

flight delay like this is most often and the authorised officials play bad tricks with the poor passengers

no good services, no idea when the flight will come etc.....

Old Nov 9, 2012, 10:40 PM
Suhel Alum Suhel Alum is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 3
Unhappy The Very Worst and Bad service from Indian Express Airways

Every one I like to inform every one and also like to raise a complain all the passenger who travel By AIR INDIA EXPRESS, I had a bad experience when I was traveling From Mangalore to Doha With My wife and my child, the staff are so rude and lot of harassments from staff till the security in the Mangalore Air Port, trying to open all the baggage’s creating problems to the passengers unnecessarily without any strong reasons, its has been noticed that the new ways to make money is that for access baggage weight where they have Set the electronic weigh machine is to 5kgs More then the normal, usually we weigh our baggage’s from our manual weigh machine, which may have some error, considering this and taking this point in mind we reduce our things much more then the luggage allowance to avoid the charge of access luggage, but still every one find the weight more then what they expect, so the Air Port make a good profit of this charging Rs. 475/- per kg, and next thing is that after boarding the flight they don’t provide any kind of food or a glass water for hours after the take up where we find and face tuff time due to the flight is at 7Am and we had to report to the Airport at 5Am without having a proper breakfast, mean while I would like to tell you that I had booked my flight at 8 Am and at last movement I was lucky enough to know that have called me and informed me the flight time has changed to7 Am or else it would be another problem that i may miss the flight, later one board the seats of the flight is such a bad condition that we cannot even lean back,, traveling for hours its normal that passengers may need some entertainment for getting bored, but in this flight they take another advantage of the passenger to make money that is the drop down the TV screen with a movie which is of their own choice and each TV provided for 2 passengers where it cant even watched properly with fading effect on it, and try to sell the headphones to hear the Audio of the movie, and this headphones are waste after they use in in the aircraft because its not useful for any audio equipment, later on the food supplied is not even worth for animals to eat, such kind of food are supplied for passengers, were I noticed everything is returned back to dustbin when gathering back, After that comes liquors for selling like whisky wine bear etc to make again some bossiness in the board ,The Airlines are taking advantage as there are no other international flights from Mangalore where the passengers are helpless and forced to take a direct flight from Mangalore. This flights does not have any accurate timings and can change their timings at anytime, more over flights also can cancel any movement and even refund not available so we can take any other flight to avoid delay even though the fault and delay is from their side. earlier I have noticed there were 2 flights in a week and now its 1 flight for a week witch is not reliable, the timings are very early morning which is makes in convince to all passengers who are traveling, The Air India Express is not bothered of giving a good service but trying to make Money and take advantage of the passengers who are helpless, and they say the flights are going in loss may be this is th reason they try to recover their loss in this kind of business, even though they don’t have any feelings of Air crash took place recently, and passengers traveling in this are flying with risk, comparing to this I really appreciate Emirates Airlines which I use to fly from Bangalore to Doha, Via Dubai, but I do enjoy the good service , I had 8Kgs of access baggage were I was not charged any this extra for this due to the kindness of the airlines, the baggage allowance was 30Kg and the Hand bag allowance was 7kgs ,and the cabin crew I found were polite too, the food was excellent , and they had provide a free TV to each seat in front of the passengers with a control box hanging were we can select movie ,songs and games to kind along with a free head phones, there was also a night lamp where we can use it for our convenience, tea coffee are provide to everyone on request any time when they needed it, they also provide toys ,color pencil blankets to kids and children with some special gifts which makes children happy to enjoy the journey, it was said Emirates Airline gets Award every year for the best service and performance, but just I had taken a chance in the Indian Express that to avoid traveling to Bangalore to take this fight, that was a mistake I had made and faced this problem, or else traveling to Bangalore is not so tuff as there are more then 400 luxury super delux AC buss Pvt and Govt, every day too and fro, where we don’t even find tired after a sleep in the sleeper coach and next morning reaching to Bangalore, Airport busses are available from the buss stop which makes passengers convenient, and the New Bangalore International Airport is excellent comparing to Mangalore Airport, so I request and cooperate all who have gone thorough this problems and also join hands to teach them a lesson, that the Airlines are for the service of People and its not that the People are here to give them business and take advantages of them, And stop to put an end to this Monkey Business.

PNB:- Pleas add coments if any of you have gone with any kind of problems by this Airlines
Thank You[/QUOTE]

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