Lying About Weather Cancel
Today I am stuck in Charlotte, North Carolina, out $90, and out a day of leave that was meant to be spent with my family. It all started when I couldn't leave VPS because we were told Charlotte was closed due to weather. The weather however conveniently "cleared up" and hour later and we made it in. I even made it before my next flight was supposed to start loading. I waited an hour at my next flight gate while they gave us no information what was going on. Afterwards they canceled the flight because our pilots timed out which I was guaranteed a free hotel because it was the airlines fault they didn't have aircrew to take us. So I waited in line over an hour to be told American Airlines listed the flight as canceled due to weather and not the pilots. This meant that I would not be reimbursed for a hotel.
THE REAL KICKER; I spoke to a flight crew on my way to the hotel I had to pay out of pocket for and the real reason the airport was closed was because Obama and Biden were there and it had nothing to do with the weather.
No matter how you look at this situation American Airlines falsified information to keep from footing the bill for all the people they wronged today. I have seen the outrage on Twitter and know there is nothing that will come from this. It was also a process to get the account to post a comment here but that shows my spite for American Airlines and they have forever lost me and I'm sure many others as costumes today!