Flights cancelled, re-booked, luggage lost, will avoid UA
My first flight was cancelled due to weather. Which I appreciate the safety, and the fact that I got a call before I even needed to be at the airport. Was re-booked on a dif flight, that was delayed, I got to Chicago & had a msg on my cell that I was re-booked again on Sunday am flight-my flight was boarding and the agent told me to go ahead and board. My luggage never made it to WI, said it would be there nxt day,I was to fly out Monday, this was Sat and I was over an hour away. Went Monday night, checked in & rcvd my luggage only to ck it back on,waited for over an hr,went thru security b4 my flight was to have left, only to be told I missed the flight. No attendant even at the gate, went down to ck-in counter & was told I was booked for nxt am flight, luggage supposedly gone. Drove an hour back to sister-in-laws, came back nxt am, flew home. Asked for my luggage at front desk-told them it should have come in the night before-only to be told it had come in that am. Which means-the flight that I SUPPOSEDLY missed-never made it to Lansing. Within 10 minutes of being told my flight had left already, I had checked the gate 2 times, and went to the front desk 2 be told I was on next am flight, and was in my car making phone calls-I could not have missed my flight-sitting there for over an hour an a half, and then my luggage not even making it the night I was supposed to have flown. I have never had an experience like this, ever. And I could forgive the luggage mistake, but the whole flight missing and re-booking is unfogivable-in whole-it doesn't make any sense. I will avoid United Airlines at all costs, I have never been so furious as I was, and never so grateful to finally be home. Weather is one thing, but the mass confusion and lying is unthinkable.