American Airlines flight4075 did not get my family home
On April 2nd we were travailing form Orland, FL to Traverse City, Mi,with a flight change in Chicago O,Hare on American Airlines. At 12:30pm after a 4 hour layover we started to board flight 4075 , A half a hour after departure time. After about half the passengers were on the plane the gate crew stopped boarding and removed every one from the plain. They announced that the pilot “Bailed on the flight.” About a half a hour later the gate crew said that they had found a new pilot and his plane had just landed and he would be right over. So we all boarded the plane and sat for at least a half an hour. At that point the co-pilot came on the radio and said that the 2nd pilot did not get the message to fly flight 4075. We were then asked to leave the plain till they figured out what to do. Did I mention that the toilet on the plane wasn't working. About 15 minuets later they said our flight was canceled, and the best they could do was get us out on Tue April 5th. Most people on the flight as we did had kids with us and jobs to get back to. We could not wait 3 days to get home. A supervisor was called over to the terminal and said that all flights to Traverse City were full till Tuesday, and the best they could do sooner was put us on stand by for flights to a closer airport, and then still be on our own to get home. He said our best bet to get home before the 5th was to drive. BUT they would not pay for a rental car. My family and I had no choice but to rent a car and drive the 6 hours home. Between the car rental and gas,we had to spend over $450 above and beyond the amount of our plane tickets. Plus we spent from 4:00am till 11:30pm just to get home. American says there are no refunds for the tickets or reimbursements for rental cars. This kind of treatment should not be aloud to happen. Airlines should be held accountable for getting people to there final destination no mater what it takes.
Thank for nothing American Airlines